7 Jan 2011

Flat White

Soho, London.

Picture the scene: my 24th birthday, I am in a DARK PLACE (unfortunately unrelated in any way to Garth Marenghi) and the streets run amok with tourist shit cunts, xmas shopping like their lives mean nothing beyond materialistic offerings and getting in my way. My parents selfishly timed my birth exactly one week before xmas and every year the charade of excitement slips further and further away.

So my mum is in town and all I want to do is drink coffee and gaze broodingly through a rain splattered window so I made her go to Flat White with me.

It's great. My #1 coffee shop in London. Antipodean *check*; cute baristas *check*; impeccable flat white (would have to be as it is the shop's namesake) *check*; Square Mile specially designed blend *check* etc = when I can move in pls?
I went in recently with my friend Stu and they forgot our coffees (twice lol oh what are you guys like, fucking Kiwis...just kidding) but did try and bribe us with cake to apologize. Regretfully I am vegan and he's on a diet.
SEE? SEE THESE? This is foam art.

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